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Sometimes you want to locate a file, but you aren t sure where it might be located in the file system. The whereis command, of course, is of help only if you are locating commands, not files. To find out where a file or a directory is, you can use the find command, as shown here: $ pwd /u01/app/oracle $ find . -name bill.sql -print ./dba/bill.sql $ In this example, the find command informs you that the bill.sql file is located in the /u01/ app/oracle/dba directory. Note that there is a dot after the find keyword, indicating that a recursive search is made from the present directory every directory and subdirectory under the present directory will be searched. If you want to search from a specific directory, you need to specify that in the command. In the following example, the find command starts its search from the root (/) file system and prints the location of the test.txt file to the screen, if it finds it: $ find / -name test.txt -print

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Sometimes a command will produce more output than can fit on the screen. You can control the output of a command in a couple of ways. The more command will show you the contents of a file, one screen at a time. Just press Enter to see the next screen of the file: $ more test.txt The pipe command (|) enables you to pass the output of one command as input to another command. In the following example, the | operator takes the ps -ef command s output (which is the list of all processes that are currently running on your system) and passes it to the grep command as a list, to search for all processes that contain the word Oracle : $ ps -ef | grep Oracle This example also demonstrates the use of multiple commands at once.

As you know, you can use the vi editor to read a file as well as write to it. However, in some cases you may want to just read the contents of a file. The cat command lets you do so, as shown here: $ cat test.ksh #!/bin/ksh VAR1=1

[ $VAR1 -lt 100 ] echo "value of VAR1 is : $VAR1" ((VAR1=VAR1+1))

2. More information on reverse Polish notation (RPN) can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Reverse_polish_notation.

The diff command compares two files, returns the line(s) that are different, and tells you how to make the files the same. Here s an example: $ diff test.one test.two 0a1 > New Test. This diff command output tells you that if you add the line New Test to the test.one file, you can make it identical to the test.two file. The first character, 0, is the line number to edit in test.one; the a indicates that the line should be added to test.one to match the first line, 1, of test.two.

There are two main types of variables in a UNIX or Linux system: user-created variables and shell variables. Let s briefly look at how you use both kinds of variables.

Another asynchronous exception that needs attention is System::OutOfMemoryException At first, it seems that an OutOfMemroyException is not an asynchronous exception at all, because according to the official MSDN documentation, an OutOfMemoryException can be thrown by the IL instructions newobj, newarr, and box It is obvious that a gcnew operation (which is translated to the IL instructions newobj or newarr) can result in an OutOfMemoryException Boxing can also cause an OutOfMemoryException because each time a value is boxed, a new object is instantiated on the GC heap In all these cases, an OutOfMemoryException is not thrown asynchronously, but as a result of the normal execution flow However, according to the MSDN article Keep Your Code Running with the Reliability Features of the NET Framework, by Stephen Toub (http://msdnmicrosoftcom/msdnmag/ issues/05/10/Reliability), an OutOfMemoryException can be thrown in asynchronous scenarios, too.

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